This is a note for the video from Unreal Engine Youtube Channel called Being an Unreal Engine Programmer | Unreal Educator Livestream , which is almost 2 hours and sadly it is the only one video talks about programmer in recently years.
[09] あいさつ
Mr. Kyle Langley
[24] get source code from github, build solution by visual studio
[31] install engine from epic, recommend install the “editor symbols for debugging”
[34] create a blank project from visual studio
[42] for unreal developers dont need to know about like garbage collecting or other computer science
[44] using “visual assist” to help coding easier
[47] blueprint is a good start for use unreal without computer science education
Mr. Jeff Farris
[55] epic teams develop engine and game at same time to make products better with many other game developers
[1:04] as an engine developer, the customer is other developer
[1:06] unreal is separated into many parts, even fortnight didnt use light baking. so unreal is used broadly like umbrella
[1:13] audio is also important in game development. “be a T shape person”
[1:16] generalist is awesome and helpful is a team with quickly respond
Mr. David Hill
[1:24] how to define a game engine, including lots of tools used for different function.
[1:29] what is a tool in unreal
[1:32] an example about tools change LOD to reduce the triangle
[1:44] dont be afraid of make mistakes, the industry is changing
[1:47] why use so many c++ code. seems that Rust is going to be popular
Also thanks Mr. Mark Flanagan.